Playing Tricks

Playing Tricks

           Math can play some very nasty tricks on the unsuspecting human.  It can do quite a number even on those of us who are pretty good at math.  It is these 'tricks' that can so easily distract a Player, causing him to believe all sorts of outlandish things - like the machines are rigged.  This, in turn, can cause a Player to wonder why he should follow any strategy based on math if the games are rigged.  Really, the question you SHOULD ask is if the games are rigged, why would you want to play them at all?

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Leave the Math to the Professionals

Leave the Math to the Professionals

           I've always been good at math.  Well, at least for as long as I can remember.   When I was 8 or 10 years old, this meant that I could quickly add numbers together.  When I got to my pre-teens, it meant that I could quickly multiply numbers together.  I still have these skills.  I pretty much take them for granted and admittedly sometimes am amazed that most everyone else can't do the same.  I don't expect everyone to be able to multiply two 2-digit numbers together, but the numbers of times I'll hear someone ask something like what's 500 divided by 25 and not be able to do the math in a split-second is mind boggling to me.

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